Starting a Corporate Events Company During a Global Pandemic

Starting a Corporate Events Company During a Global Pandemic
COVID-19 has had a huge impact on all businesses across the UK. Particularly, the corporate events and hospitality sector has been devastated by the effects. Results from a HBAA survey show that 30% of business events, accommodation and meeting agency staff are in danger of being made redundant from July 2020, not to mention those that already have been – including ourselves! This is a result of many companies closing and others making large cuts to be able to survive. So why are we opening as a corporate team building company now? Are we mad!? Or is this the best decision we will ever make?

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2020 has been the biggest challenge yet for the events industry and many company’s have fallen victim to the global pandemic. Here at NewWave Events, we view this as a huge opportunity to come out the other side thriving with our brand new corporate events company.

“Good time to be starting your own thing, I mean that. It’s like a bombs gone off and you can rebuild how you want it to be” Luke Sprague, Sales and Client Services Director at Enigma Creative Solutions.

As the founders of NewWave Events, we strongly believe that corporate team building events will see a huge surge in bookings for 2021 and we are already getting enquiries and sending out contracts for dragon boat racing events next year (more on dragon boat racing coming soon)! Budgets may be tight, but if companies are going to invest in anything, it will be in bringing their staff back together and rewarding them with team building events and company fun days.

We previously worked with a corporate events company that had over 25 years successful business and specialised in dragon boat racing. As a result of the pandemic, we were given the opportunity to purchase some of their assets and take over their annual clients under a new company. We could not pass up this opportunity! With our positive predictions for the industry, as mentioned above, teamed up with an existing client base, we believe we will have a successful first year.

The company we previously worked with raised over £12 million for charities nationwide in their 25 years of operating. At NewWave Events, we aspire to continue to play a part in raising much needed funds for many charities across the UK by organising and delivering dragon boat festivals and other charity events. The staff we have worked with previously also have a passion for team building events and love working at our spectacular and unique dragon boat events. Therefore, we wanted to continue to provide these amazing events not just for our clients, but also for our staff to continue doing what they enjoy!

Our aim is to continue to provide memorable and fun corporate events, with new and fresh ideas to introduce a NewWave to the corporate events world. We strive to provide unforgettable events and become a top-rated corporate event management company nationwide.

Lastly, we hope those struggling with the current situation will come out even stronger with a positive outlook on what the future will bring. If you think we can help or support you in any way, please contact us.

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