“I’ve never heard of that!” – Dragon Boat Racing

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Now, we can’t quite believe that we had never seen Dragon Boat Racing before, especially now that we travel up and down the country delivering Dragon Boat Racing events all summer! So, we thought we would share a little bit about it…
Dragon Boat Racing originates from China and its history goes back more than 2000 years. It first began when villagers would race dragon boats to avert misfortune and to encourage rainfall, as the dragon is traditionally the Asian symbol of water. It is also believed that that legend of Qu Yuan is also where Dragon Boat Racing comes from; where people raced in boats, splashing their oars and beating drums to save Qu Yuan and keep the dragons away from his body. Read more on the history of dragon boat racing here.
Today, Dragon Boat Racing is one of the fastest growing team-based water sports in the corporate world. Our 30’ boats seat up to 10 paddlers and a drummer, with a qualified Helm to steer a straight course standing on the back.
The aim of the sport is to work together to paddle your way to victory. It is all about teamwork!! And that is why Dragon Boat Racing is the perfect, unique corporate team building activity. Getting the fastest time is not about paddling as fast and as hard as you possibly can, believe it or not! Timing is the most important aspect of the sport, as well as paddle technique and you need a little bit of determination too. Our corporate dragon boat events will focus on getting teams working together, whilst trying something new, fun and active!
Trying a new sport may also spark up an interest for a new hobby. There are many Dragon Boat clubs across the UK that you can get involved with. Some of our local clubs include St Neots DBT/Cool Runnings, Cambridgeshire Royals and Secklow Hundred in Milton Keynes. Visit the BDA website to find a club near you.
Overall, Dragon Boat Racing is a really great day out for all ages and abilities. From our experience, it’s pretty much impossible to not have a good time and it really puts a smile on everyone’s faces when they see the improvements they have made as a team. It is a really rewarding day out!
Contact us today to start planning your perfect Dragon Boat Racing event.